Subject: Switching to a preset viewing direction

Using preset views, you can quickly change the viewing direction to look at the draw­ing from a different vantage point or to work on a three-dimensional model from a different orientation.

To switch to a preset viewing direction    

   1   Do one of the following:

   On the ribbon, go to the Views area of the View tab.

   On the menu, choose View > 3D Views.

   Go to the View toolbar.

   Type view.

   Click the view control in the upper left corner of the drawing window.

   2   Select or type the name of one of the following:

   Top, Front, Right Side, Left Side, Back, Bottom

   Above, Left Front; Above, Right Front; Above, Right Rear; Above, Left Rear

   Below, Left Front; Below, Right Front; Below, Right Rear; Below, Left Rear

The view cube also has preset views.
Click a preset view on the view cube to switch the viewing direction. For more details, see Using the view cube to switch the view.

To switch to a preset viewing direction using the Preset Viewpoints command    

   1   Do one of the following to choose Preset Viewpoints ():

   On the ribbon, choose View > Preset Viewpoints (in Views).

   On the menu, choose View > Preset Viewpoints.

   On the View toolbar, click the Preset Viewpoints tool.

   Type setvpoint and then press Enter.

   2   Click the preset view you want to use.

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