BackToCAD Technologies LLC | Artificial Intelligence and Software Developing | Clearwater, USA; Stuttgart, Germany | Kazmierczak® Company
Calculating areas
You can calculate the area and perimeter of a polygon based on a series of points you
specify or enclose with a circle or closed polyline. You can also determine the area of
several combined entities and add or subtract the area of one or more entities from a
total combined area.
Calculating areas defined by points
You can find the area and perimeter of any closed region by specifying a series of
points. The program calculates the area and perimeter of the space that is enclosed by
an imaginary polygon consisting of straight-line segments connecting each point.
Calculating areas of closed entities
You can find the area of any closed entity. In addition, the program calculates either the
circumference or the perimeter of the entity, depending on the type of entity you select.
Calculating combined areas
You can find the total area of several combined regions by specifying points or by
selecting entities. You can also subtract the areas of entities or polygons from a
running total.
Viewing calculated area details
As you select entities, the program displays the calculations. If the command bar is
displayed, the information appears there. If the command bar is not displayed, the
program opens the Prompt History window and displays the calculations. The following
type of information is an example of what is displayed:
Entity • Add • Subtract • <First point>: Choose Add Areas Together
Adding: Entity • Subtract • <First point>: Choose Add Entities to Area
Adding area: <Select entities>: Select the first entity
Area = 64.6259, Perimeter = 33.3049
Total length = 33.3049
Total area = 64.6259
Adding area: <Select entities>: press Enter
Adding: Entity • Subtract • <First point>: Choose Subtract Areas
Subtracting: Entity • Add • <First point>: Choose Subtract Entities from
Subtracting area: <Select entities>: Select the first entity to subtract
Area = 3.1597, Circumference = 6.3012
Total length = 27.0036
Total area = 61.4662
Subtracting area: <Select entities>: Select the second entity to subtract
Area = 3.1597, Circumference = 6.3012
Total length = 20.7024
Total area = 58.3066
Subtracting area: <Select entities>: Press Enter
Subtracting: Entity • Add • <First point>: Choose Done
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