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Chamfering and filleting entities
You can chamfer or fillet entities. A chamfer connects two nonparallel entities with a line to create a beveled edge. A fillet connects two entities with an arc of a specified radius to create a rounded edge. If both entities you are working with are on the same layer, the chamfer or fillet is drawn on that layer. If they are on different layers, the chamfer or fillet is drawn on the current layer.
Modifying the chamfer and fillet settings
The Chamfer/Fillet settings in the Drawing Settings dialog box control the chamfer and fillet settings. The portions of the entities that extend beyond the chamfer or fillet are normally deleted when you create the chamfer or fillet. You can retain these original entities, however, by changing the settings in the dialog box.
To modify the chamfer and fillet settings
Do one of the following to choose Drawing Settings:
In the Drawing Settings dialog box, click the Entity Modification tab.
In the Change Settings For list, click Chamfer/Fillet and choose from the following:
Click OK.
Chamfering entities
You can connect two nonparallel entities by extending or trimming them and then joining them with a line to create a beveled edge. You can chamfer lines, polylines, rays, and infinite lines. When creating a chamfer, you can specify how far to trim the entities back from their intersection (distance-distance method), or you can specify the length of the chamfer and the angle it forms along the first entity (distance-angle method).
When chamfering a polyline, you can chamfer multiple segments between two selected polyline segments, or you can chamfer the entire polyline.
Chamfering two entities using the distance-distance method
To chamfer two entities using the distance-distance method
Do one of the following to choose Chamfer:
In the prompt box, choose Chamfer Settings.
In the Drawing Settings dialog box, click the Entity Modification tab.
Under Chamfer Distances And Angles, click Distance-Distance.
Under Chamfer Distances And Angles, specify the first and second chamfer distances.
Click OK.
Select the first entity.
Select the second entity.
Chamfering two entities using the distance-angle method
To chamfer two entities using the distance-angle method
Do one of the following to choose Chamfer:
In the prompt box, choose Chamfer Settings.
In the Drawing Settings dialog box, click the Entity Modification tab.
Under Chamfer Distances And Angles, click Distance-Angle.
Under Chamfer Distances And Angles, specify the chamfer distance and angle.
Click OK.
Select the first entity.
Select the second entity.
Chamfering all vertices in a polyline
To chamfer all vertices in a polyline
Do one of the following to choose Chamfer:
In the prompt box, choose Polyline.
Select the polyline.
Chamfering selected vertices in a polyline
To chamfer selected vertices in a polyline
Do one of the following to choose Chamfer:
Select the polyline along the segment where you want to begin the chamfer.
Select the polyline along the segment where you want to end the chamfer.
Filleting entities
You can connect two entities with an arc of a specified radius to create a rounded edge. You can fillet pairs of line segments, straight polyline segments, arcs, circles, rays, and infinite lines. You can also fillet parallel lines, rays, and infinite lines. When filleting a polyline, you can fillet multiple segments between two selected segments, or you can fillet the entire polyline.
Filleting two entities
To fillet two entities
Do one of the following to choose Fillet:
In the prompt box, choose Fillet Settings.
In the Drawing Settings dialog box, specify the fillet radius.
Click OK.
Select the first entity.
Select the second entity.
Filleting an entire polyline
To fillet an entire polyline
Do one of the following to choose Fillet:
In the prompt box, choose Polyline.
Select the polyline.
Filleting selected vertices in a polyline
To fillet selected vertices in a polyline
Do one of the following to choose Fillet:
Select the polyline along the segment where you want to begin the fillet.
Select the polyline along the segment where you want to end the fillet.
When you fillet circles and arcs, more than one fillet can exist between the entities. The point at which you select the entities determines the fillet.
You can fillet parallel lines, rays, and infinite lines. The first entity must be a line or ray; the second entity can be a line, ray, or infinite line. The diameter of the fillet arc is always equal to the distance between the parallel entities. The current fillet radius is ignored.
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