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Changing the view of annotative entities
If your drawing contains annotative entities, such as text and dimensions, you can
change the scale, or size, of these entities by setting the annotation scale.
Entities that can be annotative include text, multiline text, tolerances, dimensions,
leaders, multileaders, attributes, hatches, and blocks. If Annotative is set to Yes for
one of these types of entities and you change the annotation scale, the entity will display
at a different scale than other entities in the drawing. For example, if you set the
annotation scale to 1:2, all annotative entities will display at that scale (if Automatic
Annotation is turned on) or only those annotative entities that support the 1:2 scale
will display at that scale (if Automatic Annotation is turned off).
Text styles, dimension styles, and multileader styles also can be annotative, so text,
dimensions, or multileaders assigned an annotative style can also be affected.
Turning on scaling of annotative entities
Annotation scaling allows you to control certain entities so their size will consistently display when a drawing is displayed or printed at different scales. You don’t have to use annotation scaling, but it is a convenient way to control the scaling of the following entities: text, tolerances, dimensions, leaders, multileaders, attributes, hatches, and blocks.
Text styles, dimension styles, and multileader styles can also use annotation scaling. Text, dimension, and multileader entities that are assigned an annotative style will have annotation scaling turned on by default. For details about text styles, see “Working with text styles” on page 346. For details about dimensions styles, see “Using dimension styles and variables” on page 382. CADdirect 2022 supports the display of multileaders and their styles, but not editing.)
Changing the scale of annotative entities
The annotation scale of a drawing determines the size of annotative entities without changing the scale of other, non-annotative entities.
If automatic annotation is turned on, changing the annotation scale changes the scale, or size, of all entities that have annotation scaling turned on. If automatic annotation is turned off, the size is changed only for annotative entities that are assigned the selected annotation scale.
Displaying and hiding certain annotative entities
An annotative entity can be assigned numerous scales that are used for viewing and printing. By default, if an annotative entity is not assigned the current annotation scale, it still displays but at the default scale. Alternately, you can hide annotative entities that are not assigned the current annotation scale. You can set the display status for the Model tab and for each Layout tab.
Returning scale views of annotative entities to their default positions
Each scale view of an enabled annotative entity can be moved to different locations using grip editing. If various scale views of an annotative entity have been repositioned, you can easily return those scale views to their original basepoint.
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