BackToCAD Technologies LLC | Artificial Intelligence and Software Developing | Clearwater, USA; Stuttgart, Germany | Kazmierczak® Company
Editing an embedded or linked object from within CADdirect 2022
You can modify an embedded or linked object in its original program from within CADdirect 2022. When you modify an embedded object, you change the object only in CADdirect 2022, not its original file (if you pasted the object from an existing file). When you modify a linked file, however, you open and change the original file.
Most programs include a submenu of actions you can perform on an embedded or linked ActiveX object. Usually, the commands for editing ActiveX objects are Edit and Open. If the object is embedded and its program supports in-place editing, the Edit command opens the object in place. The Open command opens the object in the full program window. In CADdirect 2022, this command appears at the bottom of the Edit menu.
To edit an embedded or linked object
If the object is embedded and the program in which you created the object supports in-place editing, the object opens in place.
If the object is linked, or if its program does not support in-place editing, the other program opens in its full window and displays the object.
Importing files created in other formats
You can import files that have the following formats:
Importing a DXF, DWF, DWT, DGN, or DAE format file
Importing .dxf files, two-dimensional .dwf files, .dwt, .dae, and .dgn files is similar to opening a standard drawing file.
To import a DXF, DXB, DWF, DWT, DGN, or DAE format file
Do one of the following to choose Import:
Choose the folder that contains the drawing.
In Files of Type, choose the type of drawing you want to import.
Choose the file you want to open.
Click Open.
Importing a DXB format file
A DXB format file is a binary description of a drawing file with a .dxb file extension.
To import a DXB format file
Do one of the following:
Choose the file you want to open.
Click Open.
Importing an ACIS format file
An ACIS format file contains three-dimensional solids, regions, or bodies that are saved as an ASCII .sat file.
To import an ACIS format file
Do one of the following:
Choose the directory containing the .sat file.
Choose the .sat file you want to open.
Click Open.
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